Competition in the market is getting fierce. Brands are focussing on improving their online presence to woo more consumers and enhance their sales. WordPress provides a great aid to businesses as it helps them build their website with ease.

So, if you have a WordPress website and are looking for the simplest way to improve its visual appeal, you have come to the right place. In this blog, you will find one of the finest strategies to enhance website visuals, and you will learn how you can do it.

So, without any further ado, let’s dive into it and address all the concerns one by one.

Finest Strategy to Improve Website’s Visual Appeal

We all know that videos have that element that can engage the audience. So, one can think of adding in on the website. But often, there are cases that it hampers the website’s speed, which affects the brand reputation in the market. 

Hence, businesses are now opting to embed YouTube galleries on the WordPress website to overcome this situation. 

YouTube gallery enables users to embed YouTube videos on WordPress websites without hassle. And as it streams the video from the source, it does not affect the website speed.

There are ample WordPress plugins available on the WordPress platform that helps you collect and display Youtube feeds on the website. You can find these plugins with ease and use them for this purpose.

Moreover, YouTube Gallery helps in the following ways:

  • Makes the website lively
  • Adds a vibrancy to the website
  • Provides a sneak into your YouTube presence
  • Improves website traffic
  • Reduces bounce rate

How To Embed YouTube Gallery On WordPress Website

As mentioned above, there are ample plugins available in the market that help you in this purpose. But for your convenience and ease, we suggest you the best of the lot.

YouTube Widget for WordPress by Tagembed is one the finest WordPress plugin that helps you improve your website visuals and boost its functionality. The plugin helps you collect social media feeds from various social media platforms. Moreover, it provides a dedicated Youtube widget that seamlessly streams YouTube videos on the website. Alongside assisting in collecting and embedding the feed, it also provides features that add great value to this plugin.

It eases the embedding process and makes it so easy that even if you belong to a non-technical background, you can still follow the embedding process with ease.

YouTube Gallery

To embed YouTube gallery on WordPress website, all you have to do is:

1. Install Plugin:

Step 1: In the Plugin section, click “Add new” and search for the term “Tagembed” in the plugin directory section. Click the “Install” button and “Activate” the plugin.

Embed YouTube Video on WordPress

Step 2: The plugin will be added on your WordPress menu panel, now scroll down and click on the Tagembed widget plugin. Click on register or log in to your existing account. 

Embed YouTube Video on WordPress

2. Collect YouTube Videos:

Step 3: On the Add Feeds menu tab, select:

Network: Choose YouTube

Feed Filter: Select from Channel, Playlist, YouTube Shorts etc.

Embed YouTube Video on WordPress

Step 4: On the pop-up dialog box that will appear on your screen, paste the YouTube channel URL you want to showcase and click Create. YouTube videos from the provided channel will be collected. You also can customize the widget as per your need and showcase your artistic side.

Embed YouTube Video Feed on WordPress

3. Embed YouTube Gallery:

Step 5: Click on the Display tab and copy the shortcode to embed YouTube Video on WordPress sites.

youtube on WP

Step 6: Choose the page or blog where you want to embed YouTube video on WordPress. Then, click the (+) Add Block button and select Shortcode or Tagembed Widget.

Embed YouTube Video Feed on WordPress

Step 7: Paste the shortcode in the editor and click Publish or Update button to complete embedding. 

And that is it, a few simple steps, and your website will be showcasing YouTube videos with ease.

You can even use the customization feature of the plugin to personalize your widget and match it with the style of your website and brand. Moreover, you can even moderate the content on the feed. That means you can hide the videos from the widget you think are irrelevant.

And as the plugin provides a responsive widget, your visitors using any device or screen size can enjoy the feed without any trouble. There is no need to change the display setting as per different devices, and also, there is no need to refresh the feed manually to get the latest videos on the feed. Instead, the widget refreshes itself and showcases the videos in real-time.


YouTube is the hub of video-based content. You can extract great benefits from the platform by opting to embed YouTube Gallery on WordPress websites. The tool mentioned above is the best plugin in the market. So what are you waiting for? Install the plugin now and take your business to the next level.

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