If you have an online store you will need to keep track of your inventory, have a good method for bookkeeping for every transaction that takes place just like a regular store. If anything, you need to have more documents than that is required in a regular store. There are many documents related to online shopping that enables record-keeping for every transaction and communication between the seller and the buyer.

An invoice is a document that can not be avoided in any transaction. It is the first mode of direct communication between the buyer and the seller detailing the customer’s order. The document covers the details of the order the customer placed and the money owed by the customer along with other necessary information. The invoice also includes the terms of payment which includes how the money will be paid and within how much time.

WooCommerce plugin in itself a powerful plugin that can help you create an online store easily. But if you require more than what WooCommerce provides out of the box, then you can customize the plugin if you are good at coding. Another big plus of WooCommerce is that it is a very flexible plugin that can be easily extended with other compatible plugins to meet the additional needs of the user.

There are a lot of plugins that will help you extend the functionalities of WooCommerce. This article lists some of the best free plugins that can help you with your added requirements for invoices using WooCommerce.

WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, Delivery Notes & Shipping Labels

WebToffee invoice plugin

WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, Delivery Notes, and Shipping Labels plugin is a great plugin that allows you to print the invoice and send the invoice to the customer’s email account as a PDF attachment. Other than invoice, the plugin also generates packing slip, delivery note, and shipping labels.

The documents are generated according to the status of the order. You can set the statuses of the order in which the documents are to be generated. So, every time the status of the order changes, an invoice will be generated. If you opted to send the invoice to the customer, the invoice will also be sent to the customer’s email.

There is also a premium version of the plugin that gives you more control over all the documents, easy customization of all the documents, add additional data to the documents, send all shipping documents to the customer via email, choose from different packing methods, and many more other features.

Key Features

  • Generate and print Invoices, Packing slips, Shipping label, Delivery notes, and more
  • Attach PDF Invoice with order email
  • Customizer for easy customization of documents
  • Auto-generate sequential/custom invoice numbers
  • Free add-on for RTL and Unicode language support
  • Bulk print documents
  • Include/exclude tax
  • WPML and multilanguage support

WooCommerce PDF Invoices and Packing Slips

PDF Invoices

WooCommerce PDF Invoices and Packing Slips is a very powerful plugin for generating PDF invoices using the WooCommerce plugin. Using this plugin you can send the invoice automatically with the order confirmation mail sent to the customer. The plugin facilitates the generation and the download from the order page individually and in bulk.

You can view the PDF invoice or packing slip generated for an order from the WooCommerce order page and based on your preference, you can view the PDF in a new browser tab or directly download the document. The plugin comes with a basic template that you can customize or you can also use your own template and customize it to create an invoice.

The plugin gives you even more control over the generated documents like what elements to display, whether to allow downloading the document or the format of the invoice number etc. The premium version of the plugin gives advanced functionalities than the basic version.

Key Features

  • Generate Invoices and Packing slips
  • Automatically attach invoice PDF to WooCommerce emails of your choice
  • Bulk generate Invoice and Packing slips
  • Invoice template customization with HTML/CSS
  • Supports sequential invoice numbering
  • Multilanguage support

WooCommerce PDF Invoices

This free WooCommerce plugin allows you to generate PDF invoices and PDF packing slips. You can also attach the PDF invoice to WooCommerce email types of your choice and send the invoice to the customer’s email.

Using the PDF Invoices plugin you will get multiple PDF invoice templates that you can easily customize to meet your needs. You can change the color, theme, date format, etc. Also, you have more control over the invoice number. You can choose the WooCommerce order number to be your invoice number or you can have a sequential number as the invoice number.

Other customization options include the header where you can add the company name, company logo, and company address. In the body, you can determine what goes into the title, decide if you want to show the shipping address, and define the policies, terms, and conditions. You can write what goes into the footer and the table content.

The plugin also has a premium version that offers more features and flexibility to the plugin which include sending credit notes and canceled PDF invoices, bulk generate PDF invoices, more customization options like changing the font of the PDF invoice, and more.

Key Features

  • Generate and print PDF Invoice and Packing slips
  • Manually create or delete PDF invoice
  • Attach PDF Invoice to WooCommerce emails for chosen status(es)
  • Connect with Google Drive, Egnyte, Dropbox or OneDrive
  • Highly customizable PDF Invoice templates
  • Option to mark Invoice as paid

Booster for WooCommerce

Booster for WooCommerce is a multi-purpose plugin that has many functionalities which include features for buttons, price labels, cart, checkout, emails, orders, and shipping, etc.

Generating invoices is one of the many features that it provides. Booster for Woocommerce adds the functionality for PDF invoices, Proforma invoices, Credit notes, Packing slips, and Custom docs to WooCommerce. The invoice module of Booster comes with HTML templates each for an invoice, proforma invoice, packing slip, credit note, and a custom document.

Booster for WooCommerce gives good control over the documents generated. You can select the documents that you need and when they are created, set the number format to the one that best suits your requirement. You can directly edit the HTML and CSS of the templates of the documents, customize the header, footer, page layout, email options, and more.

Key Features

  • Generate and print Invoices
  • HTML & CSS customization of document templates

Challan – PDF Invoice & Packing Slip for WooCommerce

Creating PDF invoices and Packing slips is one of the best options where you need the help of a plugin to manage the process efficiently. The entire process of generating and sending invoices will become easier and comfortable with the help of the PDF Invoice and Packing Slip (Woo Invoice Pro) plugin.

There are differently designed invoices available with this invoice plugin, and you can choose any template for your documents. Woo Invoice plugin allows you to attach your signature, include paid stamps, display currency code, and display ID or SKU.

You are allowed to customize invoice numbers, date formats, add or modify header footer content on the invoice, and packing slips. Many more useful features come with the Woo Invoice plugin. Visit the product page for more detail.

Key Features

  • Generate and print PDF Invoices and Packing Slips
  • Fully customizable Invoice Format
  • Add a custom logo on Invoice and Packingslip
  • Bulk Invoice/Packing Slip Download by date range
  • Automatically generates sequential invoice numbers
  • Adds the PDF invoice in the order email as an attachment

Flexible PDF Invoices for WooCommerce & WordPress

Flexible PDF Invoices for WooCommerce & WordPress is a free plugin for invoicing in WooCommerce. You can use it to invoice orders in your WooCommerce store. Also, it perfectly runs in a standalone WordPress. So you can invoice your services directly from the WordPress dashboard at any time.

Key Features

  • Issue invoices for WooCommerce orders
  • Create manual vat invoice in WordPress
  • Issue, send, and download invoices as PDF
  • Add, edit and delete invoices
  • Create PDF invoices templates ready for VAT taxpayers and VAT-exempt entities
  • Manage currencies, tax rates, and payment methods
  • Generate and download invoices in bulk by a date range

Woo Invoices – Quotes and Invoices

PDF Generator For WordPress Pro

This plugin helps you to generate invoices for your WooCommerce store provided you also use the Sliced Invoices plugin for WordPress. Sliced invoices plugin is a free WordPress Plugin that allows you to create invoices and quotes.

The sliced Invoice plugin is not a WooCommerce extension plugin. So if you are using WooCommerce for your online store and Sliced Invoices for generating the invoices, then you would need Woo invoices to connect the two. So, Woo Invoice acts as a middleman that connects both of the plugins to generate invoices.

The features of the plugin include the automatic generation of invoices and quotes for WooCommerce orders. It adds ‘Pay by Invoice’ as a checkout option. Enable default payment methods on invoices, enable invoices for only certain shipping methods, include instructions and links to the invoice in emails. You can also print and send as an email attachment the invoice as a PDF with a PDF extension installed.

Key Features

  • Automatically create invoices from WooCommerce orders
  • Adds ‘Pay by Invoice’ as a Checkout option
  • Invoices only can be created from the front end
  • Enable invoices only for certain shipping methods

PDF Generator For WordPress Pro

PDF Generator For WordPress is an excellent plugin to generate and download PDF files from your website. By using this plugin you can convert your product pages, blogs, and posts into PDF files, and make them available offline as well. Also, you can receive the PDF files via email addresses. 

This PDF Generator lets you generate and share your website’s content in PDF form via using different channels. It enhances user convenience as it enables them to save content and access it at their preferred time. 

With this PDF Generator, you can use completely customized WordPress PDF templates using Gutenberg editor with a customizable header, footer, and body settings. Moreover, you can even use text and images as watermarks with easily adjustable opacity and size. Thus, with PDF Generator for WordPress, you can create PDF files for the promotion of your  brand. 

Key Features

  • Control Visibility of PDF Icon According to User Roles
  • Add Woo Attributes in Custom Templates
  • Add QR Code to Generated PDF Files
  • Bulk Export for Generated PDFs
  • Upload Your Own PDF Files on WordPress
  • Send PDF As An Email Attachment


All the above invoice plugins are great options for generating invoices in your store. However, if your store needs to generate different types of documents it’s best to go with the WebToffee plugin as it supports multiple documents. Whereas if you only need a limited number of documents such as Invoice and Packing slips or Invoice and delivery notes, or invoice alone you can choose any of the rest of the plugins as per your requirements.


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