The bbPress Import & Export Plugin for WordPress provides you the option to update the bbPress Data.
Suppose your existing bbPress Forums, Topics, and Replies details got modified. To reflect that modified details into your online store, you can update the current details by importing modified CSV file. If the CSV has bbPress Forums, Topics, and Replies which do not exist in your store then bbPress Forums, Topics, and Replies are imported as the new.

Steps to Merge bbPress Data

  1. Select Merge bbPress Data as the import method for modifying bbPress Data as shown below:
    Import to bbPress Import to bbPress
  2. Click Import to bbPress, you will get Merge bbPress CSV window as shown below:
    Merge Window Merge Window

    Also Read: How to Import bbPress Forums, Topics, and Replies in Bulk

  3. Choose file: Browse the updated CSV file by clicking on Choose file or by FTP settings.
  4. Select a mapping file: You get the mapping file option(s) for auto-mapping only if you save the mapped fields in a user defined file while Mapping the fields. Select the required mapping file from the Select a mapping file drop-down list as shown below:
    Mapping File Mapping File
  5. Delimiter: Enter the delimiter which separates the values.
  6. Click Upload file and Import.
  7. Re-Map the fields if required as shown below:
    Mapping the fields Mapping the fields
  8. Click Submit.
  9. According to CSV file, the user gets updated. The window appears as shown below:
    Merge Sucess Window Merge Sucess Window

    Note: If Post ID does not exist, then the Post is imported as a new.

Check out our bbPress Import & Export Plugin for WordPress.

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